Saturday, 19 March 2011

Venom and stuff...

I started this picture of Venom at work, but i can't think how to finish it off. And advice?

I also painte my friend's dog, Henri, he died recently. Very sad.

And then there's a little bitty at the bottom then for my bud, Luke, who is ripening to the age of 26 on the 20th (tomorrow) but his party's tonight. Gonna be good.


  1. Awesome dude! I love the picture for Lukey!
    Dog looks great too! Is that all photoshop?
    Have you tried Artrage? It's pretty cool for simulating paint stuffs. Though I always find photoshop quicker and easier

  2. Hey Joe, yeah, all photoshop, it's all i really know. I'll have to have a bash at artrage
