Tuesday 15 December 2009

Theo Colour Tests

Here are two colour tests i whipped up quickly tonight (or this morning, it's 2:10am). Neither of them are great but i was just trying to quickly establish what sort of direction i want to go in with the colour. The one at the top was done in photoshop and the one at the bottom in flash. For some reason the tablet and sensitivity was playing up whilst i was doing the flash one and at the begininning of the photoshop one, but i persisted. I prefer the one in photoshop, but i am going to give things another go in flash (hopefully it'll work correctly this time) and another go in photoshop too, this time laying some flat colours first. I am also going to try doing the line work in flash and then colour in photoshop to see how that looks.
I am really tired now so, night night.

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